Solo RPG - Adventure 1-02, Towards the keep.


The wand gifted from the Beetle Mage, being rejected by the noble, is now in the party possession. It is a Bubble Wand, which allows to create a magic soap bubble of 2 meters diameter for d4+1 rounds. This might be useful to catch opponents inside of it or can be rode off while it goes upwards to overcome tall obstacle (Wands house rule: when casting using the wand, make a WIL. If it successful, cast the spell. Either if the roll succed or fails, roll a d4+2, you have to wait that many rounds to use it again).

The following day the party informs on available quests or rewards. They get to know that towards the west is the Fertilia Prarie, overseen by thea State Keep. It is said that the nearby village of Wheetnill is struck by a curse and that the inhabitants are suffering an agonizing sickness; there is a 400 GP reward for any concrete information about the possible causes of the problem, and 1200 GP in rubies for those who would fix the situation altogheter. They also get to known that a some Riverwick folks had been assaulted by undead while coming back from the Wheetnill; specifically, the victim recognized Wraiths and Ghouls. By that accord, the prophet buys a silver dagger for the guard and counted on on her anti-grave oil flasks.

Soon after leaving Riverwick, they stumble upon some ruins of what looked like a stone tower complex. The air is gelid and the wind makes a ominous sounds, while the party notices the presence of someone within a room of the ruins. Upon inspect, the three find a lost human-ferret girl, an orphan that sought shelter in the ruins. She is scared off from the adventurers but the prophet shows compation giving her food and some clothes; this calms the little one and decides to join them for the better or the worst.

The party moves towards the Keep and at a bit after sunset they have the fort in sight. But while going from a wood to reach the place, they hear a strange roar coming nearby them. They approach cautiously the sounds origin, and they find a young Basilisk (HD 4+1**; Skill 4; Peck/Slash - 4 DMG + petrification, Leer - petrification; ML: 9) fighting a group of 3 Wraith (HD 4**; Skill 3; Touch - 3 DMG half-level drain; ML: 12) and 3 Ghouls (HD 2; Skill 2; Bite - 3 DMG, Claw - 2 + 1 DMG, paralisys; ML: 9), they also notices that the basilisk is wounded and that there are 4 ghouls petrified around them. The adventurers decide to stay in the shadows to try and eliminate what remains, to gather as many parts from the basilisk to sell later. The warrior prepares the silver blades, while the prophet readies the burglar arrows with the anti-grave oil. 

The Basilisk surronded by Wraiths and Ghouls
Unfortunally for them, the basilisk only manages to pertify just more wraith, before falling from the life-absorbing touch of another of the flying undead. Not only that, one of the ghouls spots the adventurers and alert with his grim breath his fellow monsters. The groups doesn't flinch and throw their attacks: The prophet casts her Turn Undead spells successfully and makes the ghouls feel a primordial fear, which makes them flee. The remaining wraiths get assault by an arrow from the burglar, which misses, and creates an opening for the guard to attack one of them. The undeads counterattacks these two with their touch, which damages their armor and drains some energy.

The prophet then uses the Bobble Wand to trap the nearby wraith inside a bobble, which holds the monster still, meanwhile the crook misses a second arrow on the other spectre. The guards is still trying to stab the monster but her movements are sloppy, leaving the undead to drains all of her life with an embrace. May the nameless guard sleep restless in her near unlife.

The other three don't want to share her fate and flee towards the keep, but the the not trapped wraith starts chasing them. The crook tries to shoot a couple of arrows, and hits only with one, while the prophet wands fizzles the spell. The wraith accelerates and it puts between them and the road to the keep, while a suffused cry of the other undead gets to their hear and getting closer. The prophet reaches for her dagger and, powering it up with her talisman and a prayer towards her godess, she violently stabs the monster in its ethereal cranium, putting an end to its unlife. The party then manages to run away from the remaining specter and reach for the Keep, with a lost warrior on their shoulders.

Currently known map (from exploration and quest directions).


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